Pisces New Moon / Dandelion

The Moon will be new in Pisces on March 10th. This may be my favorite new moon as it feels like the moments of quiet, still dark before the Dawn. I chose Dandelion for this lunation because I consider it to be a plant of Jupiter in its own sign of Pisces. Dandelion’s audacious ability to take up space and thrive where we’ve condemned it to die is remarkable. We’ve all seen the lone Dandelion emerging from cracks in concrete - Life in Rebellion. They remind me of the infectiousness of Hope and the wyrd magic involved in wishes offered to the winds from a believing heart. The seeds of Hope are so subtle and yet able to take root in the most unlikely of places breaking through structures that would thwart a lesser force. 

America spends over 3 *billion* dollars on herbicides each year in an attempt to control “weeds”.. 3 billion dollars to keep the wild in check, to keep our monocrops in safe, sane lines, to protect our fields from being overtaken by the chaotic revenge of Nature. It’s almost as if Nature really dislikes a monoculture! Gentle Dandelion, “generally regarded as safe” by the medical establishment, is at the forefront of the Plant Revolution. What spreads Life will overcome what poisons it.

In Pisces we see Everything Together and All at Once, a womb of life and death, the moment when the snake bites its own tail and the wheel of our year ends and begins again simultaneously. With Jupiter as parent, that primordial ocean is Vast and unconcerned with the lines we say must be colored within. Pisces blurs the edges of reality, muddies our sense of the concrete; it is the mysterious cosmos, the realm of Source. When viewed through the lens of our Systems, from the perspective of Concrete, it may seem like a “wishy-washy”, overly emotional, ungrounded sign. We can’t hold it or force it to comply. We can’t pour poison down its throat and have it mean anything in the end. The taproot reaches right to Source and its cunning is unmatched. 

As a flower essence, Dandelion infuses us with Hope and the kind of irrepressible, joyful, ‘wishful thinking’ that offers our dreary, cement-filled world a doorway to what Might Be. It draws our own taproots to Source, to sustaining, irresistible, audacious Life. 


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